Participated in Urban Environmental Accords (UEA) Summit in Iloilo city, Philippines

JO has been working with the ICLEI South East Asia Secretariat to promote community actions and city-to-city cooperation on climate change in the Philippines funded by the Japan Fund for Global Environment (JFGE). The main activity in this year as the project third and last year, is organization of the session at the Urban Environmental Accords (UEA) Summit held in Iloilo city, Philippine, from Sep 15-17, in order to present outcome of the project and to disseminate educational materials during the past project years. The preparation meeting was held July in Manila among JO, SEAS, and UEA secretariats. The session was held on 15th during the UEA, inviting city officials from Tubigon city and other climate related organization in the Philippines. From Japanese cities, Kumamoto city participated and introduced their experiences on water resource management and public awareness initiatives.