YOKOHAMA: International symposium on LNG Bunkering

The Government of Japan, City of Yokohama, Yokohama-Kawasaki International Port CO., Ltd., and private enterprises will promote together the establishment of the LNG bunkering hub.
We will hold an international symposium on LNG Bunkering in Yokohama on April 3 to accelerate the efforts of stakeholders, toward the formation of a LNG bunkering hub and building of an international network.
We aim to increase the number of global liner routes connecting Japan and North America by establishing a LNG bunkering hub in Yokohama Port, and to enhance the function as the hub port in East Asia.
1. Date & Time: Monday April 3, 2017 14:00-17:00
2. Venue: Yokohama Royal Park Hotel (2-2-1-3 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama)
3. Subject: “Toward the formation of LNG Bunkering Ports Network”
4. Program:
- Keynote speech Dr. Fereidun Fesharaki (Chairman, FACTS Global Energy Group)
- Panel discussion “Toward the formation of LNG bunkering hub”
・Moderator Mr. Masamichi Morooka (President, Yokohama-Kawasaki International Port Corporation)
5. Entry:
Please refer to the following website. This event is free to attend. URL
6. Contact:
Port and Harbor Bureau, City of Yokohama
This article was contributed by the City of Yokohama.