100% Renewables Cities and Regions Network
ICLEI‘s is leading this network under its thematic community on renewables. This network serves as the entry point for local & regional governments to participate in the Global 100% RE Platform.
Cities, towns and regions, who have a 100% RE target in at least one sector or committed to explore a 100% RE pathway or commit to sharing of information, knowledge exchange and are interested in international cooperation, are invited to join this network.
ICLEI's 100% RE network and the 100% RE global platform, provides knowledge exchange, engagement and policy dialogue with other leading cities and experts on a global scale. This is inclusive and free of charge.
Cities, towns and regions can join the network based on their needs, challenges and level of development. They benefit from learning and cooperation opportunities with other leading cities, access to experts on renewables and energy efficiency, opportunities to globally promote local solutions and service providers, worldwide recognition of the progress achieved, visibility to champion local and regional leaders at global level