Publication of Research Results on Decarbonized Lifestyle by Region

The PDF booklet is co-produced by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) and is open access. They can be reproduced, reprinted or modified for non-commercial purposes, as long as the source is clearly indicated, so they can be used freely in local governments publicity materials, school education, civic organization programs, etc.
The results of this research are also being used in citizen workshops for the IGES “1.5°C Lifestyle” project, which ICLEI Japan is also collaborating on. In the IGES “1.5°C Lifestyles” report published in 2020, national average data for around 30 decarbonization options were presented for mobility, housing and food. The new regional data presents around 60 options by local governments and region, including mobility, housing, food, consumer goods and leisure. >>>Read More