[Shimokawa Town/ Toyota City] Promoting the rich nature and charm of the region through the popular movies!

The movie “Restart” directed by Hiroshi Shinagawa set in Shimokawa Town.
In July 2018, Shimokawa Town, which is located in the northern part of Hokkaido and is 90% surrounded by bountiful forest, had signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement with Yoshimoto Kogyo to promote SDGs. A “Project Shimokawa Town Co., Ltd.” has been started to enhance and disseminate the charm of Shimokawa Town, and implementing new initiatives for regional development toward the year 2030. As one of its initiatives, the movie “Restart” directed by Hiroshi Shinagawa, set in Shimokawa Town was released in July and is being shown at cinemas nationwide. The realistic appearance of the town and its magnificent nature are the highlights of the movie.
Link to Project Shimokawa Town Co., Ltd.
Human Story”Boku to Kanojo to Rally to”(Me, Girlfriend, and the Rally)
The movie, “Me, Girlfriend and the Rally” set in Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture and Ena City, Gifu Prefecture, is a heartwarming human story about a conflicted young man who regains his dreams and important bonds through the challenge of rallying by experiencing the beautiful nature and warmth of people of his hometown, this movie has been released nationwide from 1st October, 2021.
Link to Pressrelease by Toyota City