[City of Kitakyushu, City of Nagoya, City of Yokohama] participate the “JICA Clean City Initiative (JCCI) Kick-off International Seminar”, the introduction of inter-city cooperation initiatives

On 19-20 January 2022, JICA held the JCCI Kick-off International Seminar to launch an initiative to achieve “Clean Cities” in urban areas of developing countries and to discuss with many stakeholders to reach the big goal of benefiting 50 countries and 500 million people.
The City of Kitakyushu participated in the main program on the 19th with its counterpart in Malaysia, the Iskandar Region, and presented the collaboration projects with Asian cities by the Asian Centre for Low Carbon Emission.
The city of Nagoya participated in the side program on the 20th together with representatives from the Water Services Regulation Authority of Mexico City and presented the results of the exchange with Mexico City and the municipal cooperation projects, such as the strengthening of water and sewerage systems against earthquakes.
The City of Yokohama shared the international cooperation project (Y-PORT project) which is promoted in Bangkok, Da Nang and other cities by taking advantage of Yokohama City’s strengths, focusing on cooperation with JICA and other related organizations and companies in the side program on 19th, and shared the significance and potential of decarbonization and green recovery in cities in developing countries and the role of cities for decarbonization dominoes across borders in the main program on 20th.
The presentations were recorded and, with a few exceptions, are available on EventHub in the original language of the presentations, together with the presentation materials (in English). An edited version in each of the interpreted languages (Japanese, English and Spanish) will be available at the end of February. If you have already registered for the event, you can watch it via EventHub. If you have not registered, you will need to go to EventHub and register first.