[Kyoto City] The 12th Earth Hall of Fame KYOTO Commendation Ceremony & The Earth Forum Kyoto International Symposium was held on 15th of November 2021

The Earth Hall of Fame honors individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to the conservation of the global environment. The award was established in 2010 by the Kyoto Institute of Earth Sciences, Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto City, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce, the International Institute of Advanced Studies, and the Kyoto International Conference Center. The international symposium included commemorative speeches by the Earth Hall of Fame inductees and a talk session between high school students in Kyoto City and Mr. Haruki Tsuchiya, who share a powerful message to young people for a better future global environment.
In the panel discussion that followed, ICLEI Japan Chairman Mr. Hamanaka took the stage and introduced initiatives with local governments under the theme of “ Vision for a Decarbonized Society~ toward the realization of Net-Zero”. Also, shared that it is extremely important to intensify action towards a 1.5°C temperature rise, international cooperation by multi-actor and advocacy to countries, and collaboration with young people to decarbonize social systems.>>>Read More