ICLEI held the 27th “ICLEI Café”, a workshop series on sustainable cities

The 11th International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific (ISAP2019) organized by Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) was held on 30-31 July, and ICLEI Japan supported the event as one of the partner organizations. Using this opportunity, ICLEI invited ICLEI members and their supporters all together for networking.
45 people from 22 organizations participated this year. Professor Kazuhiko Takeuchi, President of IGES presented on “The Fifth Basic Environment Plan and Regional Circulating and Ecological Sphere, and Circulating and Ecological Economy (R-CES and CEE)”. Then, Togo Uchida, Executive Director of ICLEI Japan reported the outline of ICLEI Japan’s activities.
During the networking time, Kyoto City introduced “Adoption of IPCCKyotoGuideline and Kyoto Appeal jointly achieve 1.5℃”, Nagano Prefecture presented “The Nagano Declaration and the Nagano’s Environment Strategy”, Renewable Energy Institute introduced on “RE-Users regional collaborative project”, and IGES talked about UN High Level Political Forum.
We could have fruitful evening for networking though it was short time. We would like to keep supporting the activities of local governments and collaboration by any stakeholders beyond the sectors through ICLEI Network.
We set the exhibition corner for ICLEI members at ISAP2019 venue. (Approx.1,000 participants in total during 2 days). Thank you very much for your support and cooperation.