Interaction with Jiangsu Province, China

On 23 December, the Department of Ecology and Environment of Jiangsu Province, China visited the ICLEI Japan office.
Jiangsu Province has formulated and implemented the Jiangsu Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan and is actively working to conserve biodiversity. Jiangsu Province is also a member of the Group of Leading Subnational Governments toward Global Biodiversity Targets (GoLS) initiated by Aichi Prefecture, Japan, and is one of the leading local governments in biodiversity conservation.
During the visit, participants reviewed the CBD COP16 held in Colombia in October and exchanged views on future initiatives and other issues. Togo Uchida, Executive Director of ICLEI Japan, introduced local activities of Aichi Prefecture, Nagoya City, Kobe City, and Yokohama City that participated in CBD COP16 and the activities of Japanese local governments on biodiversity conservation.
The officials of Jiangsu Province showed keen interest in the initiatives of the ICLEI Japan member local governments.