Latest Results: Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program in the 8th Fiscal Year

Tokyo Cap-and-Trade is well known as world’s first urban cap-and-trade program for large faicilities. Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) has been examining ways to bolster the fight against climate change since 2007.
In FY2017, emissions from covered facilities amounted to 12.04 million tonnes, achieving a 27% reduction from Base-Emission (a 1% or 0.1 million tonne reduction from the previous year) as a result of their great efforts on continuous energy efficiency and increased use of Low-Carbon Electricity / Heat.
Continuing the Program through the second compliance period, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) will encourage CO2 reductions to enable all covered facilities to meet their obligations towards creating a sustainable city.
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- About the Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program:
In FY2010, TMG started the Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program for large facilities according to the Tokyo Metropolitan Environmental Security Ordinance. - Compliance factors:
8% or 6% in the first compliance period from FY2010 to FY2014
17% or 15% in the second compliance period from FY2015 to FY2019 - Covered facilities:
Approximately 1,200 facilities which have an annual energy usage equivalent to 1,500 kL or more
of crude oil