Aichi Prefecture speaks at the Metropolitan International Forum of Smart Cities

Aichi Prefecture participated as a speaker at the Metropolitan International Forum of Smart Cities held by the Abra Valley Metropolitan Area, Colombia from 27th July to 30th, 2012.
This event aims to pave the way for experience-sharing, learning, and dialogue on the creation, transformation, challenges, and prospects needed to build smart cities.
Aichi Prefecture made a presentation about “Biodiversity Monitoring Survey and Monitoring System GIS” on the fourth day, in order to create a sustainable society, announced that ICT is effectively used in the field of natural environment conservation, which is the exact opposite of technology, and that the effective use of ICT makes conservation activities visible and promotes the participation of local residents in the formation of ecosystem networks.
Aichi Prefecture will continue to develop a better system and support measures (such as efforts to create a handbook) so that voluntary monitoring surveys by prefectural residents can be expanded to all areas in the prefecture.