The new Nagoya Castle Green Hydrogen Station will be opened in Aichi Prefecture

Aichi Prefecture is working on various initiatives to realise a hydrogen society, where hydrogen is widely used as an energy source for daily life and industry.
In order to promote the development of hydrogen stations, which are essential for the spread of fuel cell vehicles (FCVs), Aichi Prefecture established the ‘Aichi Hydrogen Station Development Subsidy’ system in 2015 to subsidise part of the development costs of hydrogen stations for operators who build hydrogen stations.
The new ‘Nagoya Castle Green Hydrogen Station’ will be established by IDA MOTORS Ltd and Sugawara Setsubi Co Ltd, both of which are utilizing the system. There are 35 hydrogen stations in operation in Aichi Prefecture, and including those under construction, the number of hydrogen stations reaches 37, the highest number in the country. Read more, click here (Japanese).