Tottori students challenge to the world at COP28

Tottori Prefecture sent three of its students to the COP28 for the first time, with support from ICLEI Japan, IGES, and Japan Network for Climate Change Actions. The students widely communicated Tottori Prefecture’s initiatives and the importance of building a fellowship to realize a decarbonized society, and exchanged views with participants from other countries at the Japan Pavilion.
The information on the ground is reported in a special feature in the February issue of the Tottori Prefecture’s Magazine, and on the Tottori Prefecture website.
On 16 February 2024, a debriefing session on the ‘COP28 UAE student dispatch project’ was held. At this debriefing session, the students presented their impressions of the world, the current situation in Japan and the trend of young people around the world. They also worked with support organizations and universities in the prefecture to share information and exchange views.
The talk session ‘TottoReborn! What one person can do to decarbonize, and what we can do together”, organized and supported by Togo Uchida, Executive Director of ICLEI Japan, was a lively discussion, with panelists as well as participants joining in the exchange of views.
For more information, please see the Tottori Prefecture website.