ICLEI welcoming new member, Tottori Prefecture – Tottori students challenge to the world at COP28

As of 27 October 2023, Tottori Prefecture became a member of ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, and a membership handover ceremony was held at the Tottori Prefectural Office. The membership certificate was handed over to Governor Shinji Hirai by Mr.Takemoto, Chair of ICLEI Japan.
“I am grateful to be part of the ICLEI network. In the future, as part of ICLEI, we hope to communicate Tottori’s initiatives to the international community.”, said Governor Hirai.
On the same day, together with the ceremony, the dispatch of students to the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) in November was announced, and at a side event in the COP pavilion, Tottori Prefecture will present its initiatives towards a decarbonised society and interact with advanced local governments from around the world.
In March 2022, Tottori prefecture revised its basic environmental plan, the ‘Tottori Prefecture Environmental Initiative Plan for the New Reiwa Era‘, and set an ambitious target of reducing CO2 emissions by 60% in 2030 (compared to 2013). It has also proposed the Tottori Eco Life Initiative as its vision for the year 2030. The aim is not to save energy by forcing people to endure, but to ‘shift to a lifestyle that protects the environment and health while living comfortably and wisely’ and to activate the local economy through ‘local production for local consumption of renewable energy’ and ‘technological development’, and the prefecture has set a friendly nickname ‘TottoReborn!‘ to raise awareness of the initiative.
Tottori Prefecture is surrounded by abundant nature and is highly concerned about the environment. It is engaged in environmental protection activities and global warming countermeasures that make the most of its regional characteristics. In addition, Tottori Prefecture has stated its aim to achieve virtually zero CO2 emissions by 2050.
Learn more about ICLEI Japan’s member local governments, including Tottori Prefecture, click here.
The video of a project in which local businesses and designers collaborate to design and sell clothing made from car airbags, with support from the prefecture.