Young Writers Network – YWN

Making cities sustainable and resilient: Implementing the Sendai Framework for DRR 2015-2030

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDDR) has been promoting Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) as well as the ‘Making Cities Resilient’ Campaign (MCR) with the aim of strengthening the capacity of cities and local governments in DRR... Read More

Making cities sustainable and resilient: Implementing the Sendai Framework for DRR 2015-2030
Korea Festival on Sustainable Development
carbonn Climate Registry / CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System
East Asia Clean Air Cities (EACAC)


ICLEI provides capacity building to target cities in implementing low emission development strategies as well as mainstreaming science-based disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in local development processes. The project utilizes the... Read More


LAB: Wetlands SA

Through the LAB: Wetlands South Africa project, ICLEI aimed to protect priority natural wetland resources located in South African municipalities, thus enabling the supply of ecosystem services and promoting resilient communities under a changing... Read More

LAB: Wetlands SA


ICLEI, through the AfriAlliance project, aims to support existing networks in identifying and sharing social innovations and technological solutions for key water and climate challenges. Capitalising on existing and emerging knowledge and innovation in... Read More

Reducing Extreme Heat Risk for Vulnerable Populations

Capacity Building for Climate Resilience in Manitoba

Building Resilience and Adaptation Capacity (BRACE) bridges the gap between tools and information and their successful application in meaningful and influential decision making processes. ICLEI held a series of workshops throughout Manitoba on barriers... Read More

Capacity Building for Climate Resilience in Manitoba

Fortitude Initiative

As the frequency and intensity of climate change related disasters increase, local communities are severely impacted. In response to recent climate related disasters on the continent, ICLEI Africa is stepping up to support cities in reducing their... Read More

Fortitude Initiative


The event was organized by ICLEI SAMS in partnership with Secretariat for Infrastructure and Environment of , Regions4, Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU Support initiative, the support of CETESB, Fundação Florestal, Deutsche Gesellschaft für... Read More


GreenClimateCities Program

ICLEI can help raise ambition and connect cities, towns, and regions who are seeking to solve the problems of climate change. The GreenClimateCities (GCC) Program offers cities a proven process methodology for walking step-by-step toward climate... Read More

GreenClimateCities Program

Municipal Climate Partnerships

Since 2011 the ‘Municipal Climate Partnerships’ project has aimed to strengthen partnerships between municipalities in Germany and developing countries for climate change mitigation and adaptation. The fifth phase of the project involves... Read More

Municipal Climate Partnerships


ICLEI is responsible for project implementation in all four partner cities, including preparation of Climate Resilient City Action Plan for four Indian partner cities – Coimbatore, Rajkot, Siliguri and Udaipur – that addresses both climate... Read More

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Southeast Asia Secretariat
c/o The Manila Observatory Ateneo de Manila University Campus Loyola Heights, Quezon City 1101 Manila, Philippines
Southeast Asia
ICLEI Indonesia Project Office
Rasuna Office Park III WO. 06-09 Komplek Rasuna Epicentrum Jl. Taman Rasuna Selatan, Kuningan DKI Jakarta, 12960, Indonesia
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Level 1, 200 Little Collins Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia
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