The overarching goal of the “CitiesSHIFT: Capacity building and networking for climate- and people-friendly mobility” project is to support cities to identify challenges and opportunities of urban mobility system in hope that the city could shift... Read More


SBT (Science Based Targets Intitiative)

ICLEI is part of the cities group in charge of mapping out all related methodologies to – 1.5° C pathway; this includes the revision of Kaya Methodology for Carbon Stock allocation as well as other city related methodologies related to GHG... Read More

SBT (Science Based Targets Intitiative)

GreenClimateCities Program

ICLEI can help raise ambition and connect cities, towns, and regions who are seeking to solve the problems of climate change. The GreenClimateCities (GCC) Program offers cities a proven process methodology for walking step-by-step toward climate... Read More

GreenClimateCities Program

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Protocols

ICLEI is the lead author, supported by groups of city and carbon accounting experts from various fields, in the development of industry standards for local government GHG emissions accounting in the US. The development of the U.S. Community Protocol,... Read More

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Protocols
SEEC (California Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative)

Municipal Climate Action Plans (PACMUN)

Over the course of the PACMUN project, ICLEI has worked with over 450 Mexican municipalities to develop GHG inventories, collect data and define local climate action plans. Project activities focus on building the capacity of municipal staff to... Read More

Municipal Climate Action Plans (PACMUN)
International Smart and Sustainable Transport Workshop
Contribution Analysis (Drivers of Change in GHG emissions)
European Union GPP Training Programme and Training Toolkit
Improved Municipal Planning in African CiTies (IMPACT)
Workshops Towards a Sustainable and Resilient Kaohsiung
SDG Workshops for Medical Experts and Future Leaders

Forestry Protocol

New guidance enables U.S. cities and counties to include forests and trees within their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions accounting, a key activity to ensure representation of local forestry and land use consideration in climate action planning.... Read More

Forestry Protocol

Indiana Climate Cohort

ICLEI created a facilitated multi-month training and capacity building program; the “Cohort” to build local government capacity in climate, resilience, forestry, and equity. Each cohort is theme-based and includes up to 20 participant local... Read More

Indiana Climate Cohort

Green New Deal

Climate Action and Adaptation Plan Training: ICLEI provided in-person training for Los Angeles City staff on Climate Action Planning. The training focused on the following topics: •Climate equity and community driven processes; •5 Milestone... Read More

Green New Deal
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Postal address:
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Japan Office
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Tokyo, Japan 105-0003
Kaohsiung Capacity Center
4F. No.436, Daye N. Rd.
Xiaogang Dist.
Kaohsiung City 812
Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Korea Office
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126, Suin-ro, Gwonseon-gu, Suwon-si,
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South and Southeast Asia
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Southeast Asia Secretariat
c/o The Manila Observatory Ateneo de Manila University Campus Loyola Heights, Quezon City 1101 Manila, Philippines
Southeast Asia
ICLEI Indonesia Project Office
Rasuna Office Park III WO. 06-09 Komplek Rasuna Epicentrum Jl. Taman Rasuna Selatan, Kuningan DKI Jakarta, 12960, Indonesia
Oceania Secretariat
Level 1, 200 Little Collins Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia
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