Urban biodiversity and Ecosystem Services towards CBD CoP 15 in China

SMARTEES (Social innovation Modelling Approaches to Realizing Transition to Energy Efficiency and Sustainability)

Within this project ICLEI Europe is responsible for the exploitation & dissemination. This includes: to develop and curate the SMARTEES multimedia presence throughout the project and after the project, to develop a dissemination and exploitation... Read More

SMARTEES (Social innovation Modelling Approaches to Realizing Transition to Energy Efficiency and Sustainability)

BID Salvador

Mitigating the impacts of climate change in the relevant sectors, with the preparation of a technical study of climate risk and the respective adaptation plan through the MOVE platform; Promote actions and measures to control and reduce GHG emissions... Read More

BID Salvador

The Climate Footprint Project

This project will support regional governments with existing GHG reduction targets to achieve their targets, and for the ones without targets, the project will help governments to set and achieve them through the improved capacity to track GHG emission... Read More

The Climate Footprint Project


ICLEI’s main activities in the project include: Taking the lead in transferring and customizing NBS, Co-developing NBS replication roadmap for FE, Co-developing the Urban NBS Plan along with the funding and investment strategies for FE,... Read More



ICLEI is in charge of making a review on barriers and opportunities for the development of bio-based value chains; identifying stakeholders and expected benefits from mutual learning; mapping bio-based products (applications) based on... Read More

Reducing Extreme Heat Risk for Vulnerable Populations

IUC North America

The objective of the IUC programme is to contribute to improve international urban policy diplomacy and increase decentralized cooperation on sustainable urban development and climate change through a focus on sustainable energy. In North America the... Read More

IUC North America
URBANA (Urban Arena for sustainable and equitable solutions)

Circular Turku

ICLEI is supporting the city of Turku in designing the Circular Turku roadmap with relevant stakeholders. ICLEI is advising on participation mechanisms and providing expert inputs across the priority sectors in the region. Learnings from local... Read More

Circular Turku

SPP Regions

SPP Regions promoted the creation and expansion of European regional networks of municipalities working together on sustainable public procurement (SPP) and public procurement of innovation (PPI). The regional networks help increase the capacity of... Read More

SPP Regions


Local governments are leading the change to an integrated planning approach, in which protected areas are a fundamental component of both urban and rural landscapes. Innovative solutions at the local level are being applied to integrate local protected... Read More

The European NGO Network on Green Public Procurement
SI-CAT (Social Implementation Program on Climate Change Adaptation Technology)
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European Secretariat
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Postal address:
PO Box 5319
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126, Suin-ro, Gwonseon-gu, Suwon-si,
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Southeast Asia
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