Got any questions? I will be happy to assist. Please contact me at iclei(at)
SDGs AICHI EXPO2024 オンライン開催
10月24日 TIME TO ACTフォーラム2024 ~都市から世界へ呼びかける気候アクション~
コロンビア太平洋地域の首都であるカリは、2002年からイクレイに加盟しており、2024年10月21日から11月2日まで、生物多様性条約第16回締約国会議(CBD COP16)を開催することになっています。
世界で生物種が豊富な地域のひとつに位置するカリは、地球環境問題に対する地元の解決策を推進し、住民と地球にとってよりグリーンな未来を確保することに尽力しています。カリには、ラテンアメリカで最も持続可能な地域であり、都市の持続可能性に焦点を当てた「Vison Cali 2036」計画や、国連ハビタットから「2024 Scroll of Honour Award」を授与された「MIHabitat」プロジェクトなどの取り組みを通じて、持続可能な開発を積極的に推進しており、カリ市長室と地元コミュニティの協力的な取り組みが実証されています。
About CaliAssociate Partnership is available to non-governmental organizations, universities, state and national government agencies and not-for-profit research institutions. The purpose of Associate Partnership is to facilitate dialogues between local governments and these partners, to provide knowledge transfer in line with ICLEI’s Mission and Charter, and an avenue for which partners can support ICLEI’s work and mandate.
HARNESS the power of the ICLEI Network!" Governments need to give (the sense of) direction, as Business leaders we don't make the wind, we sail the boats. So policy should set the winds in the right directions if you want the boat going fast to the right harbor."Philippe Joubert Senior Advisor, World Business Council
on Sustainable Development
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Sed ut perspiciatis uncle omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
Sed ut perspiciatis uncle omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
Sed ut perspiciatis uncle omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
Rates and Dues
Application Form
Got any questions? I will be happy to assist. Please contact me at iclei(at)
Joining ICLEI means connecting to more than 1,500 local and regional governments as well as technical experts and a diversity community of partners worldwide. ICLEI Members actively engage with their peers through conferences, workshops, webinars and online platforms and take advantage of our connections with businesses, financial institutions and other implementation partners that help strengthen innovation and resourcing.
Got any questions? I will be happy to assist. Please contact me at iclei(at)
Joining ICLEI means connecting to more than 2,500 local and regional governments as well as technical experts and a diversity community of partners worldwide. ICLEI Members actively engage with their peers through conferences, workshops, webinars and online platforms and take advantage of our connections with businesses, financial institutions and other implementation partners that help strengthen innovation and resourcing.
Got any questions? I will be happy to assist. Please contact me at iclei(at)
Sed ut perspiciatis uncle omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
Sed ut perspiciatis uncle omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
Sed ut perspiciatis uncle omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
Sed ut perspiciatis uncle omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
Got any questions? I will be happy to assist. Please contact me at iclei(at)
Fee Structure
Got any questions? I will be happy to assist. Please contact me at iclei(at)