米国、パリ協定離脱表明 イクレイ世界事務局長、ステートメントを発出

- トランプ大統領のパリ協定からの離脱表明は、低炭素な社会への移行に向けた世界的な動きに反しており、現実に目を背いている。
- 気候変動に対する行動(アクション)は立ち止まることはない。主要排出国から気候変動に対して最も脆弱な国まで含む、大多数の政府が公約したように、米国および世界の自治体は、これからもクリーンエネルギー、持続可能な交通、適応策(レジリエンス)分野において前進していく。
- 世界が正しい方向に進むため、全てのレベルの政府・自治体や非国家主体が手を取り合い、迅速な取組の実施に向けて、更に強く、幅広い繋がりを築くことが必要不可欠である。
“President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement is out of step with reality and the current drive towards a global low-carbon transition. Making abundant use of ‘alternative facts’, he has painted the US and its citizens as victims of this groundbreaking Accord. On the contrary, the Paris Agreement and its fulfillment are the best chance for the US and the world to create green jobs and save millions of lives and billions of dollars, avoiding the worst case scenarios of climate inaction. Climate action is not going to stop. Local governments, in the U.S. and globally, will keep moving forward on clean energy, sustainable transport and resilience, as most countries have again pledged to do, from the most vulnerable to major emitters. A heavy burden falls now on the shoulders of local governments in the U.S. and all climate stakeholders worldwide, as the Trump administration fails to recognize the stark reality of climate change and the urgency of acting on it. It’s now imperative for all levels of government and non-state actors to build even stronger and wider coalitions for rapid implementation, to keep the world on the right track.”
– Gino Van Begin, Secretary General of ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability