
巻頭言「あかりまど」にて、イクレイ日本理事長 浜中裕徳が「『脱炭素社会』への大転換」と題し、政府、自治体、企業などによる再生可能エネルギーへの転換に向けた取組みを紹介するとともに、パリ協定の目標である気温上昇を、2℃を十分下回る水準に抑えるためには、再生可能エネルギーへの転換を含め、今後大幅に排出量を削減し、窮極的に脱炭素化に向けた経済社会の大転換が不可欠であると述べています。
巻頭言「あかりまど」にて、イクレイ日本理事長 浜中裕徳が「『脱炭素社会』への大転換」と題し、政府、自治体、企業などによる再生可能エネルギーへの転換に向けた取組みを紹介するとともに、パリ協定の目標である気温上昇を、2℃を十分下回る水準に抑えるためには、再生可能エネルギーへの転換を含め、今後大幅に排出量を削減し、窮極的に脱炭素化に向けた経済社会の大転換が不可欠であると述べています。
Associate Partnership is available to non-governmental organizations, universities, state and national government agencies and not-for-profit research institutions. The purpose of Associate Partnership is to facilitate dialogues between local governments and these partners, to provide knowledge transfer in line with ICLEI’s Mission and Charter, and an avenue for which partners can support ICLEI’s work and mandate.
HARNESS the power of the ICLEI Network!" Governments need to give (the sense of) direction, as Business leaders we don't make the wind, we sail the boats. So policy should set the winds in the right directions if you want the boat going fast to the right harbor."Philippe Joubert Senior Advisor, World Business Council
on Sustainable Development
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Sed ut perspiciatis uncle omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
Sed ut perspiciatis uncle omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
Sed ut perspiciatis uncle omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
Rates and Dues
Application Form
Got any questions? I will be happy to assist. Please contact me at iclei(at)iclei.org
Joining ICLEI means connecting to more than 1,500 local and regional governments as well as technical experts and a diversity community of partners worldwide. ICLEI Members actively engage with their peers through conferences, workshops, webinars and online platforms and take advantage of our connections with businesses, financial institutions and other implementation partners that help strengthen innovation and resourcing.
Got any questions? I will be happy to assist. Please contact me at iclei(at)iclei.org
Joining ICLEI means connecting to more than 2,500 local and regional governments as well as technical experts and a diversity community of partners worldwide. ICLEI Members actively engage with their peers through conferences, workshops, webinars and online platforms and take advantage of our connections with businesses, financial institutions and other implementation partners that help strengthen innovation and resourcing.
Got any questions? I will be happy to assist. Please contact me at iclei(at)iclei.org
Sed ut perspiciatis uncle omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
Sed ut perspiciatis uncle omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
Sed ut perspiciatis uncle omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
Sed ut perspiciatis uncle omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
Got any questions? I will be happy to assist. Please contact me at iclei(at)iclei.org
Fee Structure
Got any questions? I will be happy to assist. Please contact me at iclei(at)iclei.org